I'm tempted to buy Grand Theft Auto Trilogy for the Series X but I can't find a real answer online. googleFu, bingFu, Pure XboX forums, there's no answer that I have found.
If I buy the Physical Edition from Best Buy, Wal*Mart, Target, will the case contain a Disk/Disc or a Download Code?
If it is a Disk, I'll get it now, if it is a Code, I will wait for a sale!
Thank you all for your time and help and knowledge!
I think no one is replying because no one really knows. My suggestion is give a quick call to Gamestop and ask if they have used copies of GTA trilogy or visit their website. There's no way for them to have a used copy if the game is digital only.
Don’t disk based games install onto the Xbox anyway, and the disk is just used to verify that you have the game? So I’m not sure if it really is likely to make much of a difference.
If this is because you are currently without internet, you might want to consider that these games have apparently really benefited from patches, so you might want to make sure you can download those if you do plan on buying it.
If it’s because you don’t have much storage space left on your hard drive, I don’t think it will make a difference, as I don’t think games run off the disk these days on Xbox anyway and they will need to install onto the console.
Someone else might be able to correct me, but that’s how I understand it to work.
EDIT - I’m talking more about your follow up question, rather than if it is on a disk or not.
Btw, I got what you were asking, if it's a complete game on the disc to minimize downloads, or if it's like the Spyro collection where, even if you have the disc, you still have to download the 2nd and 3rd games.
Well, I did some research and got some good and bad news.
The good news is that yes, it looks like the disc has all three games on it, although I used a bunch of youtube videos and comments so I'm not 100% positive on that.
The bad news is that it looks like it's kind of a MCC situation. When the game launched it had a bunch of issues and glitches. Eventually a patch was released and it fixed the game, but I couldn't find out how big the patch is, or how bad the games were pre-patch.
LoL, thanks!
Also, thank you so much for all your help!
I don't mind updates to fix bugs or glitches, it is just that I hate having a disk and nearly no data on it.
I appreciate it.
Look me up on Xbox live or whatever it's called and I'll send you a gift!
Topic: Can't find the answer online anywhere, please help - Disk or Code...?
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