Reaction: Xbox Developer Direct 2024 Proved That Microsoft's New Format Really Works

Well, that's it folks, another Xbox Developer Direct is in the bag after the 2024 event came to a close yesterday evening. It was a fantastic showing all-in-all, with four Xbox studios and one surprise Square Enix appearance packing out a neat livestream that never outstayed its welcome.

We didn't get an unexpected shadow release like last year's excellent Hi-Fi RUSH drop, but we're more than happy with how this year's event turned out. Hellblade 2's release date has been a long time coming and was a very nice reveal, and that huge blowout for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle was absolutely brilliant!

However, the show's format is something that's really stuck with us this year as well. We think Xbox's approach in allowing the devs to talk directly to the fans is a great way to deliver this sort of thing - it feels a lot more personal than some of these showcases end up feeling. We love a packed E3-style show as much as anyone, but letting the games breathe and the devs talk candidly is a fantastic approach, we think.

This year's event has also taught us something else - that Xbox is open to inviting third-party teams to these events. Developer Direct 2023 was strictly Xbox first-party, but Square Enix's showing this year was a big surprise, and we now know that such a prospect is on the cards for future events. Any guesses for next year?

Of course, by the time 2025 rolls around Activision Blizzard should be well integrated into Team Xbox, so that's something to be mindful of for a potential future event. That probably wouldn't be a huge surprise, but still, an ActiBlizz-packed Dev Direct would be amazing next year!

With Sony and Nintendo doing their own thing for years now, Xbox Developer Direct has officially joined those over the last year or so - and we're very glad of it. We now have another way to sit down and celebrate all things Xbox, and with the sheer number of teams on board these days, we can't see why Developer Direct won't be here for years to come.

Agree that Xbox Dev Direct is just a fantastic format all-round? Tell us what you think down below.